Looking for earth exhibition - Rai play documentary

The project
On 22 April 2022 I partecipated to Looking for Earth. The project is developed by Looking For Art Gallery Milan and Earth Day Italy .Looking For Art has selected 3 works representative of each of the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda from its extensive repertoire. These works will be used by Earth Day to communicate the activities related to Earth Day 2022 and will be auctioned at end of an exhibition. Part of the proceeds will be donated to the non-profit organization. All the artwork was featured inside a Rai Play documentary and variuos exibitions in Italy
For the exibitions was selected the artwork Forgotten.
The exhibition
The exhibition exhibited at the Valmontone outlet included the display of 51 works including photographs and paintings made by Looking for art’s artists who by vocation and art mission support sustainability and the themes, as well as the objectives that Earthday proposes The artworks on display were certified copies of the originals.