``The work of art in the era of Artificial Intelligence`` Exhibition - Parma 360 festival VIII edition

On the occasion of the eighth edition of the Parma 360 festival of Contemporary Creativity, scheduled from April 6th to May 19th, 2024, the historic buildings of Palazzo Pigorini and Torrione Visconteo (Parma, IT), host the first collective exhibition of Italian artists on Artificial Intelligence named “, curated by Chiara Canali , Rebecca Pedrazzi, Davide Sarchioni .
For the exhibition I exhibited the cycle entitled “Loneliness” of 10 video works created in collaboration with Openai . The works analyze the feeling of loneliness within today’s ultra-connected but at the same time disconnected society. For me it was a great honor to participate in the exhibition and to share spaces with exceptional artists!
For the occasion, a catalog with critical texts by Chiara Canali and Rabecca Pedrazzi was also published by Jaca Book.
The title of the project “The work of art in the era of Artificial Intelligence” is linked to the famous essay by Walter Benjamin The work of art in the age of its technical reproducibility, published in 1936, in which the German philosopher argued that, at the beginning of the 20th century, the invention and use of new techniques, such as cinema and photography were radically changing the methods of production and artistic enjoyment. Similarly, in recent years, Artificial Intelligence has seen a rapid rise (Artificial Intelligence is been designated word of the year 2023 by the Collins Dictionary), and today more and more artists have compared and use this technology to create works of art and collaborative artistic projects towards new aesthetic languages. On show: videos, immersive projects, digital artworks but also physical works: from mosaics to installations; from sculpture to photography – all works resulting from the artistic creativity of a pool of 20 artists who have included in their research and production the use of AI. The exhibition intends to investigate different ways of using AI by around twenty pioneering artists digital or new generation AI artists. Themes such as nature, botany, the environment, but also man, humanity, communities, cities, monuments, machines, dreams, mythologies are shaped and/or transformed through the use of GANs, algorithms and Generative AI – between generative art, glitch art, reality augmented, virtual reality and other expressive forms of the digital age.