Digital Art Week 2024 London

After one year I return to London with 6 artworks that analyze the difficult relationship between man – technology – environment for the Digital Art Week from 22 to 28 April 2024 at Now PoP Two (Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 8LH) . It is an immense pleasure to see my animations on large screens that amplify the meaning of each artworks! I thank the organizers of Digital Art Week and Sandie Zanini for all the work done.
Digital Art Week centres on bringing digital experiences to life in exciting spaces and iconic locations. Powered by NextGen technologies, They bring brand storytelling to life through experiential digital arts. Their mission? To immerse you in art and tech through citywide activations, reimagining some of London’s most recognised locations to let you experience your favourite artists and brands in ways you have never before.