Svccy x Artcrush Gallery x Clear Channel Belgium - Exhibition on 1000 screens in Belgium
From 7 to 13 May my triptych of works: Escape-Freedom-Runaway, lit up more than 1000 screens throughout Belgium. The initiative was curated through Artcrush gallery , curated by Sandie Zanini and displayed on Clear Channel Belgium screens.
The triptych on display describes the difficult relationship between man and the new technologies developed in recent years. Artificial intelligence, metaverses, ultra technological development… will all this lead us to a better world? or will even more complex scenarios arise to manage?
Artcrush: they are an agency: that works with world-class Artists & Digital Artists to deliver high-quality ARTvertising campaigns with and for their partners: top brands, cities & public bodies, festivals, OOH companies, interiors, licensing projects … and pretty much everything in between!
Clear Channel Belgium: which is part of Clear Channel Europe, is a leading player in the out-of-home market in Belgium with 180 employees, €60m revenue and more than 13.000 billboards and digital screens.