OpenAI DALL-E x Svccy
On 11 July OpenAI published on DALL-E Instagram page three collections of ten artworks each made by me commisioned by the comunication team. The Collections explore my poetic in three different ways.
On 11 July OpenAI published on DALL-E Instagram page three collections of ten artworks each made by me commisioned by the comunication team. The Collections explore my poetic in three different ways.
From June17th to 30th Iexhibited two of my artworks to exhibit two of my physical artworks (Lost in the ocean – Let me take a picture) and many animations in Ex Garage via Prenestina 704, Roma, for the exhibition “Sacro Pop” with other italian artists.
From June 5th to 11th I was invited by Fumigene to exhibit two of my artworks (Regeneration – Lullaby) in Ninfa Lab, Via dell’Aprica 16, Milan, for the exhibition Dear Mother Earth with other amazing artists.
From May 15th to 21st I was invited by Neo Shibuya TV to exhibit two of my artworks (Sunflower house, The breath) in Miyashita Park in Tokyo on 85 screens for 30 Second museum. Neo Shibuya Tv is an art project on 8 huge digital screens and 85 small digital screens in Shibuya,Tokyo.
From 15 April to 6 May 2023 Holyclub in collaboration with Gamestop created an entirely digital exhibition inside the new Gamestop Flagship store in Milan in via Torino 49.
On 1,2, April 2023 with Zanini Arte art gallery I exhibited my artworks at PaviArt fair 2023 X edition. For the event new artworks were exhibited with relative NFT.
On 4,5,10,11,12 March 2023 with Zanini Arte art gallery I exhibited my artworks at Artparma fair 2023 XVI edition. For the event new artworks were exhibited with relative NFT.
During the presentation of the XXXIV edition of Ravenna Festival, a my artwork was presented on the theme of the year’s festival, namely “The invisible cities”. The theme is connected to the Italo Calvino’s book “Le città invisibili” and for the presentation of the Festival I created an artwork connected to Calvino’s book, the city of Ravenna and my poetic vision.
On 25-26 February 2023 with Zanini Arte art gallery I exhibited my artworks at EXPO ARTE città di Montichiari. For the event new artworks were exhibited with relative NFT.
On 2-3-4-5 February 2023 with Zanini Arte art gallery I exhibited my artworks at BOOMing contemporary art show 2023. For the event new artworks were exhibited with relative NFT.